How We Can Help

Consulting & Evaluations

Tropical North Psychiatry provides Psychiatric consultations for Cairns GP's, other medical professionals and employers & organisations. We can assist with diagnosis, treatment planning and recommendations for individuals and offer outpatient Psychiatry services to assist in recovery.

* Please note that we do not offer medico-legal work or provide medico-legal reports.

Psychotherapy Services

We have a wealth of knowledge and experience in Psychotherapy practice and work with our clients to better understand their illness and use a variety of techniques to help deal with emotions and symptoms.

Our therapy is designed to help identify both triggers and stress points in daily routines in order to formulate a working plan that will help cope with pressure points and start the path to wellness.

Hypnotherapy Sessions

Hypnotherapy can assist in the the identifications and treatment of phobias, fears and anxiety. Gaining access to the subconscious mind is achieved by going through a relaxation process. In this state the person is able to access locked memories and allow the use of positive suggestion to bring about change.